As Knights of Columbus, one of our key pillars is to support the education of those in formation for the Sacred Priesthood. Our brother from Saint Clement Council 17725, Mr. Brian Wehrle, is currently in formation for the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, in Houston, TX.
If you are unfamiliar with the Ordinariate, it was established by the Catholic Church in 2011 in accordance with the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus, which allowed for former Anglicans, Episcopalians, and Methodists to enter full communion with the Catholic Church, while maintaining their unique spiritual patrimonies.
We do hope that you will join us in considering a one-time or regular contribution to the Seminarian Fund for the Deanery of Saint John the Baptist, which is the Ordinariate’s administrative body here in Canada. Your contribution will help Canada to raise many wonderful priests for Holy Mother Church!
The future of the Ordinariate in Canada, and English speaking North America, is dependent on a number of things, but a major factor is of course our ability to respond to those men who have been called by God to serve as Priests and Deacons in this part of the Lord’s Harvest. The men you help educate today will serve as the leaders of our Ordinariate Parishes and Parochial Communities tomorrow.